We're currently performing some maintenance.
The CICM ITER Portal will be undergoing a system upgrade over the coming weeks to improve functionality and security of data. This upgrade is a necessary component of maintaining safe and functional IT software that facilitates crucial elements of our training program.
During the maintenance period, the following will not be possible:
- Submission of ITERs which are in progress or for discussion
- Commencement ITERs
Transition Year trainees and their SOTs, will be contacted shortly to receive information on how to submit FITERs and the Fellowship admission process, including any outstanding requirements. SIMGs and those who are due to apply for Fellowship soon, should contact admissions@cicm.org.au to discuss application to Fellowship.
The ITER portal will be back online following the changeover of the new training rotation in 2025. ITERs due in 2024 which have not yet been submitted to the College for review will be transferred over to the updated portal at this time. ITERS due at the end of training placements in 2025 will be available when the portal is back in operation.
If you need assistance with ITERs during this time, please contact us and we will be able to assist you via the dedicated iters@cicm.org.au inbox or on the ITER support line at +61 3 9514 2881